Henry Huang

Henry Huang is a Director with extensive experience as a Real Estate Broker, Attorney and as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Some of his key areas of expertise include:

Real estate law: With years of experience in real estate and law, Henry is an expert in helping our “Trusted Advisors” and their Clients with all aspects of real estate transactions, including leasing, purchasing, and developing properties. He provides Trusted Advisors and their Clients with support, from contract drafting & review to due diligence and closing.

Tax planning and compliance: As a licensed CPA, Henry has in-depth knowledge of tax planning and compliance in the real estate industry. He supports our team in areas critical to their efforts in maximizing tax benefits and minimizing liabilities, ensuring Trusted Advisors and their Clients stay compliant with all applicable tax laws and regulations.

Financial analysis: Henry has a keen eye for financial analysis, leveraging his CPA background to provide accurate and insightful financial projections and analysis. He helps our Trusted Advisor’s Clients evaluate potential real estate investments and understand the financial implications of their decisions.

Strategic planning: With his extensive experience and expertise, Henry is a valuable Director looking to develop and execute successful real estate strategies. He provides strategic guidance, helping navigate complex legal and financial issues to achieve real estate goals.

Henry’s experience and knowledge has been honed by owning and repurposing over $20 million dollars’ worth of real estate over the past decade.


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